Riassunto analitico
Questa tesi presenta la stampa 3D come una tecnologia in grado di rivoluzionare i modelli di business. Per raggiungere questo scopo, si è dapprima discusso dei due principali argomenti, stampa 3D e Business Model innovation, separatamente, per poi fare ricorso alla letteratura e presentare gli effetti che questa tecnologia può avere sui componenti di un Business Model. Infine, si è portato a riferimento di quanto discusso un case study così da dimostrare che, quanto detto a livello teorico, sia applicabile in un contesto lavorativo reale.
This study examines the impact that 3D printing can have on business models and how this technology can be used in order to innovate and revolutionize them. 3D printing, or Additive Manufacturing (AM), should not be considered only as a mean of production, but also as a process through which companies can replace old and antique internal processes with new and more efficient procedures. After having described this technology, with large attention given to how it has evolved over time and to how companies have used it within their departments, this study evaluates whether additive manufacturing can be considered a disruptive technology and what new business models needs to emerge once companies have integrated a 3D printer into their businesses. In doing so, this thesis uses some of the studies conducted by the most famous and valuable researchers on business model innovation and how and when it happens. Finally, a real case study is provided in order to give evidence of what has been said in the previous chapter. The analysis seems to confirm that a successful integration and specific uses of additive manufacturing can have a positive impact on companies and innovate their business model components in a relevant way.