Riassunto analitico
This dissertation has the objective of illustrating the potential and research methodologies of a recent science: neuromarketing. This innovative field of study interests the application of neurosciences to marketing and tries to overcome the limits coming from the unreliability of the traditional market research. Its purpose is to analyse in the more precise way possible the processes and dynamics bringing consumers to the purchase of a product, through the analysis of the cerebral activity and therefore being able to avoid issues connected to the role of the unconscious and problems arising from the unawareness of a number of automatic decisions. The methodology I followed to develop this dissertation is based on the reading of books about the topic as ‘Neuro-Marketing’ by Francesco Mariani, ‘Neuromarketing in practice’ by Stephen Rogers, ‘Neuromarketing’ by Giampiero Lugli, ‘Emotional Marketing and neurosciences’ by Francesco Gallucci, ‘Neuroeconomics, Neuromarketing and human’s decisional processes’ by Fabio Babiloni. and ‘Neuromarketing, cerebral activity and purchasing behaviours’ written by Martin Lindstrom. Moreover, for the study of the tools, technicalities regarding the human brain, business cases and practical applications, I have studied a number of publications on scientific reviews and LinkedIn courses that You will be able to find in the references at the end of this dissertation. Concerning the presentation of this thesis, the first chapter will be focused on the introduction of the phenomenon and its history, highlighting its capabilities and limits, how to apply neurosciences to marketing and there will also be a brief discussion about neuro-ethics. The second chapter will be devoted to the decoding of the human brain: I will deepen the methodologies and of research of the new science, studying tools such as the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Eye-Tracking and Electroencephalogram, that have determined the growth and expansion of neuromarketing. The last paragraph of the chapter will focus on Mirror Neurons and their application to marketing. Going on in the dissertation, the third chapter will analyse two important pillars of neuromarketing: cognitive biases and the role of emotions during the purchasing process. During the fourth chapter it will be studied the theories and hints of cerebral anatomy that, in my opinion, are fundamental for the complete comprehension of the topic. The last two chapters of this thesis will analyse the practical applications of neuromarketing. In the fifth chapter a number of business cases of pioneer firms in the sector will be studied as much as the biggest neuromarketing experiment made by Martin Lindstrom will be analysed and commented. Arriving to the sixth and last chapter, the study will focus on how neuromarketing can be useful for the development of websites and social medias, product placement and to improve consumers’ perceptions towards a brand, but it will also analyse how neuromarketing can be useful also at the offline level, such as inside supermarkets and stores. Neuromarketing can be a revolutionary tool if used in the correct way: it can drive to the comprehension of mechanisms behind purchasing decisions, the pleasantness of the products and the reactions of consumers in front of advertisement inputs. A number of examples of practical applications of neuromarketing by pioneer firms in the sector will also be reported and commented to give the clearer view of the topic possible.