My thesis will analyse the impact of the High-Commitment Work Practices on the Job Engagement used as proxy of Organizational Commitment. In particular, I will test a moderating and a mediating model in which Employees' Trust in Management is used as moderating or mediating variable.
The first chapter is composed firstly, by a general overview of the Human-Resource Management Practices (HCWPs, HIWPs, HPWS), secondly by the concept on Trust focusing in particular on Organizational Trust and, finally by the Employee Commitment and Job Engagement (used as a proxy of Employee Commitment).
Then, the second chapter starts with the definition of the purposes of my analysis distinguishing between the three Hypothesis that I will test later: 1) Existence of a direct and positive relationship between the High-Commitment Work Practices (HCWPs) and Job Engagement (JE); 2) Employees’ Trust in Management mediates the relationship between the High-Commitment Work Practices (HCWPs) and Job Engagement (JE); 3) Employees’ Trust in Management moderates the relationship between the High-Commitment Work Practices (HCWPs) and Job Engagement (JE). Successively, there is a brief definition of the used sample downloaded from the Eurofound Database of the 6th edition of European Working Conditions Survey followed by some descriptive statistics of my variables of interest. Finally, I tested both the mediating and the moderating model drawing the conclusions that are discussed later with some suggestions for future researches.