Riassunto analitico
Overtaking is a maneuver that involves passing a slower vehicle traveling in the same direction. It is widely considered one of the most dangerous, delicate, and complex actions a driver can perform, as it requires a quick judgment of both the speed and distance of the vehicle being overtaken, as well as a careful assessment of the available space. This thesis covers essentially the generation and optimization of an overtaking maneuver for a driver assistance system. The algorithm responsible for generating the optimal overtaking trajectory is divided into two main parts. First, a geometric path is created, and then an optimal time law is applied. A B´ezier function is employed to generate the geometric path thanks to its simplicity and flexibility. Additionally, an optimization process is applied to the geometric path to ensure a safe and smooth overtaking profile, avoiding collisions with both the overtaken vehicle and any oncoming traffic, while also preventing excessively sharp lane-change maneuvers. Finally, a semi-analytical optimal time law is generated, closely following the method outlined in [1]. By imposing the car’s dynamic constraints, the algorithm is able to generate speed and acceleration profiles that remain within the vehicle’s dynamic limits. The overtaking trajectory obtained can be used for an overtaking maneuver for a driver assistance system.