Riassunto analitico
Questo documento si prefigge di analizzare nel primo capitolo l’evoluzione del settore musicale nell’ultimo secolo, dalla sua nascita, allo sviluppo sotto forma di mercato di intrattenimento di massa, fino alla crisi che lo ha colpito sul finire del ventesimo secolo in combinazione con l’ingresso dell’internet tra i potenziali canali di diffusione musicale; il tutto attraverso l’analisi di numerosi testi riguardanti la storia dell’industria musicale. Nel secondo capitolo verrà trattato il processo noto come “crowdfunding”, pratica di finanziamento dal basso che sta ottenendo un crescente interesse per le sue peculiarità e potenzialità, analizzata grazie a numerosi testi sull’argomento. I due argomenti precedenti saranno proseguiti nel terzo capitolo, dove dopo un’introduzione sull’impatto diretto dell’internet sul settore musicale verrà affrontata la possibilità per gruppi musicali di raccogliere fondi tramite le suddette piattaforme di crowdfunding e verranno portate ad esempio alcune campagne di finanziamento e variazioni delle stesse per dimostrare l’estrema flessibilità riscontrabile nel modello. Infine, nel quarto capitolo si analizzerà nel dettaglio la ragione della necessità di un nuovo modello di finanziamento nell’ambito musicale, presentando in maniera più approfondita la struttura delle campagne introdotte nel terzo capitolo.
This document aims in the first chapter to depict the evolution of the music sector in the last century, since its inception, through its development as mass entertainment market, up to the crisis it got hit by at the end of the twentieth century in combination with the entry of the internet among the different potential channels of music distribution; this has been possible through the analysis of a number of documents dealing with the history of the music industry. The second chapter will deal with the process known as “crowdfunding”, financial crowdsourcing gaining growing interest due to its peculiarities and inner potential, analysed with the help of a series of books dealing with the topic. Finally, the two previous topics will be both present in the third chapter, in which – after briefly discussing the influence of the internet on the music industry – the possibility of employing crowdfunding as a means of collecting money for music groups will be analysed; some crowdfunding campaigns and their variation will be presented as example of the extreme flexibility this model can offer.
This document aims in the first chapter to depict the evolution of the music sector in the last century, since its inception, through its development as mass entertainment market, up to the crisis it got hit by at the end of the twentieth century in combination with the entry of the internet among the different potential channels of music distribution; this has been possible through the analysis of a number of documents dealing with the history of the music industry. The second chapter will deal with the process known as “crowdfunding”, financial crowdsourcing gaining growing interest due to its peculiarities and inner potential, analysed with the help of a series of books dealing with the topic. The two previous topics will be both present in the third chapter, in which – after briefly discussing the influence of the internet on the music industry – the possibility of employing crowdfunding as a means of collecting money for music groups will be analysed; some crowdfunding campaigns and their variation will be presented as example of the extreme flexibility this model can offer. Finally, in the fourth chapter the reason for the need of a new financing model within the musical industry will be analyzed in detail, presenting a more in depth analysis of the structure of the campaigns having been introduced in the third chapter.
Das Ziel dieses Dokument ist im ersten Kapitel die Entwicklung der Musiksbetrieb in dem letzten Jahrhundert zu analysieren, seit ihr Geburt, durch ihr Entwicklung als Massunterhaltungmarkt, bis der Krise, die sie am ende des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts im Kombination mit der Eintritt des Internets als potentielles Kanale der Musikvertriebs traf; das Ganze durch die Analyse verschiedene Texte über die Geschichte der Musikindustrie. In dem zweiten Kapitel wurde den Prozess als “Crowdfunding” genannt behandelt, eine Praxis von Finanzierung durch viele kleine Investoren das steigenden Interesse bekommt, dank seine Eigenartigkeiten und Leistungsfähigkeiten, die dank verschiedene Texte über dieses Themas analysiert war. Die zwei vorgenannte Themen wurden in dem dritten Kapitel weitergezogen, wo nach eine Introduktion über die Einfluss des Internets auf der Musiksbetrieb wurde die Möglichkeit des Benutzung des Crowdfunding behandelt, Möglichkeit für Musikgruppen Geld aufzusammeln. Einige Crowdfundingkampagne und Abänderung davon wurden als Beispiel von die Flexibilität dieses Modelles vorgeführt. Schließlich, in dem vierten Kapitel werden die Gründe für die Notwendigkeit eines neues Modell von Finanzierung in der Musiksbetrieb ausführlich analysiert, mit der Vorführung eine eingehender Analyse der Struktur den Kampagnen des dritten Kapitels.