Riassunto analitico
The following thesis is the result of the research activitiys conducted during the Erasmus period and aimed to review the characteristics of quantum computing with a particular focus on its applications in the financial sector. The research was carried out between February and June 2024. Several articles were extracted and analyzed in the thesis, using various databases for the analyses. The first part of the thesis describes the development of quantum computing over the years and its potential applications in different fields. Furthermore, it intends to present how Quantum Computing is at the forefront of the technological revolution happening in recent years and how it can overcome the limits of classical computation. Norway and Italy, like many other countries around the world, have recognized the opportunities that these new computers can bring and are taking important steps to be prepared for when this technology becomes available globally. The second part of the thesis investigates the financial sector and the problems in this field that can be solved more quickly and with consideration of larger databases thanks to quantum technology. Among these problems, focus was placed on portfolio optimization and the resolution methods that researchers are studying. This analysis aims to provide an initial exploratory overview of the quantum computing context to establish what improvements and challenges will arise at a financial level and beyond.