Riassunto analitico
Lo scopo di questa tesi di laurea è realizzare una ''roadmap'' che riguardi l'introduzione di un'innovazione che sta trasformando profondamente il settore automotive:la guida autonoma. Nello specifico, si è voluto analizzare, se al fine di affrontare un'innovazione tanto innovativa, sia piu' opportuno avere una strategia da impresa leader, e quindi da innovatore, o da follower che si caratterizza invece per essere piu attendeista. Oltre a questi due approcci si considera anche quello di imprese, esterne al settore, che vista la radicalità dell'innovazione vengono definite come''nuove arrivate'', e che stanno ottenendo un ruolo sempre piu' di rilievo nel settore automotive. Per dare risposta a questi quesiti si offre una parte teorica dove viene descritta l'innovazione tecnologica,una descrizione delle tassonomie utilizzate e, sopratutto, della tecnologia necessaria per sviluppare questa innovazione. Successivamente il lavoro offre un'analisi di mercato dei principali costruttori automotive, la quale permette di rispondere alle principali domande di ricerca Inoltre, si e' condotta una doppia intervista a due manager di due differenti costruttori (uno leader, e uno follower) per capire le differenti strategie adottate.
The aim of this dissertation is to realize a Roadmap about Autonomous Driving Innovation, trying to analyze the strategic approaches that ‘’leaders’’ and ‘’followers’’ companies of automotive industry are putting in place in order to face this innovation. In other words, it has tried to study if, in order to achieve a durable competitive advantage, is preferable to be an innovator company or a follower one. Furthermore, due to the innovative features that involves, it is also necessary to consider ‘’newcomers’’ companies and peripheral societies (e.g. connectivity’s ones), which, due to similar competences and enormous resources, are reshaping the automotive industry as everyone knows. For these reasons, in order to make a satisfactory Autonomous Driving Innovation analysis, before describe it, it is necessary to introduce a theorethical part, delineating how innovation and disruptive innovation’ concepts are defined by the literature.
The thesis can be substantially divided in two distinct parts: one theorethical and an one applicative.
1) The theorethical part provides, with chapter 1, a set of fundamental definitions that explain the concepts of innovation, disruptive innovation, leader, followers and newcomers companies. These definitions, in fact, stand at the origin of this study and give shape to the investigation questions of this dissertation which meet responses along the elaborate, especially in the concluding chapter. Chapter 2 outlines the ‘’Taxonomies’’, also defined as level classifications, of Autonomous Driving Innovation. In this section it is conducted an exploration of the major Autonomous Driving Levels Taxonomies, realizing a possible analysis of forecast adoption. Then, chapter 3 examines the Technology in terms of new sensors and systems. Specifically, the ADAS (advanced driver assistant system) systems are described. Chapter 4 summarises the major benefits and costs regarding the Autonomous Driving innovation.
2) The applicative part is essentially formed by Chapter 5 that provides a description of principal OEMs. Furthermore, it makes a distinction between traditional and newcomers companies. Lastly it offers a market analysis of these major OEMs (original equipment manufacturer), from which the major search results will be extrapolated.