Riassunto analitico
This research thesis aims to investigate the joint ventures (JVs) between foreign and Chinese companies operating in the new electric vehicle (NEV) industry in China. Specifically, the study seeks to address the following research questions: do foreign companies that establish JVs with Chinese firms in China's NEV industry gain knowledge from these partnerships? What are the primary motivations behind the decision to form JVs? Are these JVs successful, and if so, how are they evolving over time? After the introduction of the theoretical framework regarding the international alliances, the hystory of the Chinese automotive industry is introduced and today's most relevant Chinese automakers are listed. Some of them are included in the sample of selected JVs resulted from the data collection.
The work continues with the definition of electric vehicle and a description of the EV market in China. After that, the selected sample of JVs between Chinese and foreign companies that operate in China in the EV market which consists of thirteen JVs involving five foreign automakers and eleven Chinese companies is deeply described by analyzing the activities performed by the parts involved, the goal of the ventures, their evolution, and their future plans. In addition, each JVs is analyzed by using the theory to determine differences with the characteristic of the classic JV set up by a company from a developed country and another from a developing one. Furthermore, by comparing each JV with the other ventures of the sample, this dissertation confronts the common and the different characteristics of them to determine a common pattern of shared acitivities, goals, members' contributions, and future development.
To conclude, this analysis of the sample of joint ventures (JVs) between foreign and Chinese companies in China's new electric vehicle industry reveals key findings. Foreign companies enter JVs to access the Chinese market, acquire knowledge, and collaborate on research and development. Successful JVs follow a pattern of shared activities and contributions, with both partners actively participating in the production and in the R&D activities. Chinese partners contribute by providing the market access, EV technology, and production capabilities, while foreign companies bring their brand value and design experience. All the ventures plan to growth and expand globally. The observed patterns of activities, contributions, and future plans can demonstrate effective collaboration and successful knowledge transfer within these JVs.