Actual industrial robotic systems offer performance to effectively cope with the requirements in manufacturing dealing with flexibility and quality. Especially in machining application, their known limits in accuracy do not allow extending their field of application to high-accuracy machining, actually covered by state-of-the-art CNC machine tools. Consequently, industrial robots are currently limited to applications with low geometrical accuracies and soft materials. This thesis present an integrated approach to develop a robotic modular workcell with enhanced accuracy for machining, through the full integration of different theoretical models, state-of-the-art technological solutions and manufacturing strategies. In order to compensate for robot errors, several experiments under different conditions that represent a typical set of industrial applications and allow a qualified evaluation are performed. Based on this analysis a modular approach to overcome these obstacles, applied both during program generation (offline) and execution (online), is proposed. Predictive offline compensation of machining errors is achieved by means of an innovative programming system, based on kinematic and dynamic robot models. Real-time adaptive machining error compensation is also provided by sensing the real robot positions with an innovative tracking system and corrective feedback to both the robot and an additional high dynamic compensation mechanism on piezo-actuator basis. To evaluate the method effectiveness, an experimental campaign has been designed and realized in order to discuss the dimensional and geometrical quality obtained for an automotive part in comparison with quality and costs offered by a standard 5-axis CNC machine tool.