Riassunto analitico
Garantire un ambiente di lavoro sicuro sta diventando sempre più necessario per molte industrie (Renan Alves Viegas, Francisco de Assis da Silva Mota, Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa & Francisco Francielle Pinheiro dos Santos,2020). Gli incidenti sul luogo di lavoro sono molti frequenti e possono causare non solo danni economici per le organizzazioni, ma anche decessi ed infortuni sul lavoro (Rahim Dabbagh & Samuel Yousefi,2019). Il presente lavoro di tesi si focalizza sull’applicazione della metodologia FMECA nel contesto del risk assessment in ambiente lavorativo, al fine di ridurre il rischio per gli operatori. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di capire quali sono i metodi più e meno usati nella letteratura scientifica su questo tema e suggerire possibili direzioni per ricerche future. Il risultato è che i metodi più impiegati dalla letteratura analizzata in questo studio sono: i software, l’intelligenza artificiale, i database, il multi criteria decision making ed il sistema logico fuzzy applicati ai rischi specifici. Alcuni metodi poco presenti in letteratura sono l’evidential reasoning applicato ai grandi rischi, i metodi AMDEC e AMDE applicati ai grandi rischi. Un campo ancora inesplorato dalla letteratura è quello della RAMI, RAMS e RAMSAS analisi per ridurre i grandi rischi in ambito lavorativo per gli operatori. La maggior parte dei paper si concentra sui rischi specifici, mentre c'è una carenza di ricerca sugli approcci per affrontare i grandi rischi in ambiente lavorativo.
Ensuring a safe working environment is becoming increasingly necessary for many industries (Renan Alves Viegas, Francisco de Assis da Silva Mota, Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa & Francisco Francielle Pinheiro dos Santos, 2020). Workplace incidents are quite common and can result not only in financial damages for organizations but also in fatalities and injuries (Rahim Dabbagh & Samuel Yousefi, 2019). This thesis work focuses on the application of the FMECA methodology in the context of risk assessment in the workplace, aiming to reduce the risk for operators. The objective of this work is to understand the most and least used methods in the scientific literature on this topic and suggest possible directions for future research. The result is that the most employed methods identified in this study include: software, artificial intelligence, databases, multi-criteria decision making, and fuzzy logic systems applied to specific risks. Some less common methods in the literature include evidential reasoning applied to major risks, AMDEC, and AMDE methods applied to major risks. An area yet unexplored in the literature is that of RAMI, RAMS, and RAMSAS analysis to reduce major risks in the workplace for operators. Most papers focus on specific risks, while there is a lack of research on approaches to address major risks in the workplace.
Ensuring a safe working environment is becoming increasingly necessary for many industries (Renan Alves Viegas, Francisco de Assis da Silva Mota, Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa & Francisco Francielle Pinheiro dos Santos, 2020). Workplace incidents are quite common and can result not only in financial damages for organizations but also in fatalities and injuries (Rahim Dabbagh & Samuel Yousefi, 2019). This thesis work focuses on the application of the FMECA methodology in the context of risk assessment in the workplace, aiming to reduce the risk for operators. The objective of this work is to understand the most and least used methods in the scientific literature on this topic and suggest possible directions for future research. The result is that the most employed methods identified in this study include: software, artificial intelligence, databases, multi-criteria decision making, and fuzzy logic systems applied to specific risks. Some less common methods in the literature include evidential reasoning applied to major risks, AMDEC, and AMDE methods applied to major risks. An area yet unexplored in the literature is that of RAMI, RAMS, and RAMSAS analysis to reduce major risks in the workplace for operators. Most papers focus on specific risks, while there is a lack of research on approaches to address major risks in the workplace.