Riassunto analitico
Il tema centrale del presente lavoro sperimentale ruota attorno alla pubblicità, intesa come mezzo d’informazione e comunicazione da parte dell'azienda. S’intende analizzare determinati ambiti di tale campo, soprattutto quegli elementi di derivazione psicologica associati allo studio fisiologico dell'uomo. In particolare, si andrà ad eseguire in prima persona un esperimento atto a valutare l'efficacia della tecnica del riflesso condizionato, ampiamente utilizzato in pubblicità a fini persuasivo-commerciali. Verranno poi fornite alcune riflessioni relativamente agli effetti prodotti sulla società. Di fatto, quella che viene proposta è un’analisi in grado di implicare e correlare fra loro diversi ambiti di studio, ovvero la psicologia, la pubblicità e la sociologia, con particolare enfasi sulle implicazioni della ricerca nell'ambito della finanza. Il tutto verrà inquadrato ed inglobato sotto l'ala del diritto dell'economia dei mercati, disciplina che servirà soprattutto per mettere in evidenza gli strumenti giuridici a tutela del consumatore e valutarne l'effettivo livello di protezione. Si andrà, infatti, a vagliare l'ampiezza e l'adeguatezza della copertura normativa e legislativa offerta dal diritto a tutela dei consumatori "bersagliati" da messaggi persuasivi. ABSTRACT - ENGLISH Advertising is the key theme of this research dissertation, intended as a means to inform and communicate by business enterprises all over the world. Particular aspects of this field will be analyzed, most of all those psychological elements associated to the physiological study of the human mind. The dissertation is structured around a primary research experiment aimed at assessing the effectiveness of classical conditioning as a persuasive technique broadly used in an advertising context for commercial purposes. Then, some potential aftermaths on society will be considered. As a matter of fact, the research will deal with different fields of study: starting off with psychology, then it will go deeply into the marketing discipline and, right after, into sociology, with a special focus on the implications about behavioural finance. The thesis as a whole will be framed under the wing of the Market Economy Law, which will be useful in highlighting the legal protection of consumers. The breadth and the depth of this protection will be put under scrutiny in order to determine to what extent consumers are safe against the pervasiveness of persuasive messages.
Advertising is the key theme of this research dissertation, intended as a means to inform and communicate by business enterprises all over the world. Particular aspects of this field will be analyzed, most of all those psychological elements associated to the physiological study of the human mind. The dissertation is structured around a primary research experiment aimed at assessing the effectiveness of classical conditioning as a persuasive technique broadly used in an advertising context for commercial purposes. Then, some potential aftermaths on society will be considered. As a matter of fact, the research will deal with different fields of study: starting off with psychology, then it will go deeply into the marketing discipline and, right after, into sociology, with a special focus on the implications about behavioural finance. The thesis as a whole will be framed under the wing of the Market Economy Law, which will be useful in highlighting the legal protection of consumers. The breadth and the depth of this protection will be put under scrutiny in order to determine to what extent consumers are safe against the pervasiveness of persuasive messages.