Riassunto analitico
This thesis focuses on developing a reduced order model for an electrochemical hydrogen compressor that accurately represent the fundamental physical processes driving its operation. The current landscape of hydrogen in energy applications is examined, with a focus on the unique benefits of EHCs over traditional mechanical compressors. Following this, the operational principle and key components of the EHC are described, offering a clear foundation for understanding the device's functionality and its potential applications. The developed theoretical model, based on a comprehensive review of existing literature, considers the EHC as a "black box" system with inputs such as inlet pressure, relative humidity, temperature, and current density, and outputs that primarily include outlet pressure. To simplify the analysis, the model is divided into two main sub-models: the electrochemical model includes the Nernst voltage and both ohmic and activation overpotentials, while the mass transfer model examines both the forward and backward molar fluxes of water and hydrogen. The numerical model is implemented in MATLAB, equations and functions used are outlined and validated, as well as user-friendly graphical interfaces. Subsequently, the obtained results are presented, illustrating how variations in parameters affect the output variables. This is particularly significant, as it provides an easy-to-use tool for the preliminary design of the EHC. Finally, a brief discussion on 3D modeling using STAR-CCM+ is included. This research establishes a reliable EHC reduced order model, providing a strong basis for further developments in hydrogen compressor technology.